Silver Haggai, 1 oz. --.-- CHF / --,-- EUR --.--%
Gold Haggai, 1 oz. --.-- CHF / --,-- EUR --.--%
Silver granules, 1 oz. --.-- CHF / --,-- EUR --.--%
Gold granules, 1 oz. --.-- CHF / --,-- EUR --.--%

BB Wertmetall – Your partner for true values

With silver and gold you are always “right on the money”. Precious metals have retained their value for thousands of years. According to the Bible, Abraham was already “very rich in silver and gold”. In contrast, our currencies are losing purchasing power month after month. With innovative products made of silver and gold, we support you in securing your assets sustainably.

As an experienced provider, we enable you to invest in the purest silver granules with our S-Deposito and in the purest gold granules with our G-Deposito to create true value. In addition, we offer tangible medals of silver and gold for your reserve at home.

Haggai Value Purchase

Pure silver and gold medals are a long-term sustainable and valuable form of investment.

In times of crisis, they also serve as a popular medium of exchange.

More information


A depositito with pure silver granules allows you to make flexible deposits and withdrawals.

Your silver is fully insured and stored in the Swiss bonded warehouse.

More information


A depositito with pure gold granules allows you to make flexible deposits and withdrawals.

Your gold is fully insured and stored in a Swiss high security warehouse.

More information

Haggai Constant Plan

Acquire pure silver and gold medals step by step.

You decide how much to invest in silver and gold each month.

More information

Haggai value purchase

Foundation for your assets.

Special Edition
permanently available



A tangible currency

“Only cash is real” is especially true for medals made of silver and gold. They are a medium of exchange that is always in demand. The small denomination makes it easy to store the values. If you want to resell your Haggai medals, we offer very attractive buyback conditions.

Certificate guarantees purity

Our silver and gold products are of the highest purity. A certificate guarantees the authenticity and fineness.

Powerful message

Our silver and gold medals are embossed with the Bible verse from Haggai 2:8 in the original Hebrew text – its statement, “Mine is the silver and the gold, says the LORD.”

Silver Haggai

Silver 1/4 HaggaiSilver 1/4 Haggai
Silver HaggaiSilver Haggai

1 ounce - 31.1 g - purity 999.9

--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR
--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR

1/4 ounce - 7.775 g - purity 999.9

--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR
--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR

All prices incl. VAT (if applicable)
Last price change:

Tax value
20.10 CHF (1 oz.) 31.12.2023


Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Gold Haggai

Gold 1/4 HaggaiGold 1/4 Haggai
Gold HaggaiGold Haggai

1 ounce - 31.1 g - purity 999.9

--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR
--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR

1/4 ounce - 7.775 g - purity 999.9

--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR
--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR

VAT is not charged on gold
Last price change:

Tax value
1’735.75 CHF (1 oz.) 31.12.2023


Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Added value for your assets.

Take the chance and invest in the smart brother of gold.



Silver granulate
purity 99.99 %

Silver granules

Prices in CHF

1 ounce (31.104 g)
1 talent (31,104 kg)
Purchase & Exchange
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
Sale (Preference)*
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF

Prices in EUR

1 ounce (31.104 g)
1 talent (31,104 kg)
Purchase & Exchange
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
Sale (Preference)*
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF

Current prices from:
* In the event of a simultaneous purchase order from a third party, the purchase is made at preferential prices
** The purchase takes place at the usual market sales prices

The fees related to S-Deposito are tax deductible. Excluded are the costs for the commission.

Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Stability for your assets.

Maintain your purchasing power by investing in physical gold.



Gold granulate
purity 999.9

Gold granules

Prices in CHF

1 gram (1 g)
1 ounce (31.104 g)
Purchase & Exchange
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
Sale (Preference)*
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF
--.-- CHF

Prices in EUR

1 gram (1 g)
1 ounce (31.104 g)
Purchase & Exchange
--,-- EUR
--,-- EUR
Sale (Preference)*
--,-- EUR
--,-- EUR
--,-- EUR
--,-- EUR

Current prices from:
* In the event of a simultaneous purchase order from a third party, the purchase is made at preferential prices
** The purchase takes place at the usual market sales prices

The fees related to G-Deposito are tax deductible. Excluded are the costs for the commission.

Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG

Flexibility for your assets.

Since time immemorial, silver and gold have served as a means of payment. With the Haggai Constant Plan you can acquire silver and gold in small steps – in the form of practical medals. Start building your silver and gold holdings with small monthly contributions.

Ideal for those who are starting to build savings and for people who want to bless their children and grandchildren with a basic stock of precious metals.

  • 1/4 oz. silver medal front view
    1/4 oz. silver medal view back
  • 1 oz. silver medal front view
    1 oz. silver medal view back
  • 1 oz. Gold medal front view
    1 oz. Gold medal view back
  • 1/4 oz. Gold medal front view
    1/4 oz. Gold medal view back

Gold/silver ratio

The gold/silver ratio is a ratio that shows the relationship between the price of gold and the price of silver. The current ratio based on S- and G-Deposito shows that silver remains significantly undervalued against gold.

Price per fine ounce (Basis: granule price BB Wertmetall)

--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR

0,72 %
Change from previous day

Gold/silver ratio

As of: 07.02.2025 - 15:55:02 h

--.-- CHF
--,-- EUR

0,80 %
Change from previous day

Graphic: BB Wertmetall AG


Shopping and selling without money.


What is Bartern?

Barter is a proven, crisis-resistant economic concept that usually strengthens and intensifies business relationships. In professional circles, one speaks of “barters” and of “barter transactions”. Those who exchange according to the ancient legal principle “Quid pro quo – this for that” develop a deeper understanding of their counterpart.

Simple barter with silver granules

Our S-Deposito solution, which invests in silver granules, is designed to easily handle barter transactions. In this process, one exchanges silver granules for the desired goods. The condition for such a trade is that both the seller and the buyer have an S-Deposito. We are constantly working to further simplify barter transactions and expand our partner network.

Swap brings many advantages

Barter transactions do not incur any additional costs. They are included in the semi-annual deposit fees of 1 ounce of silver for S-Deposito light and 2 ounces of silver for S-Deposito. Bartern preserves liquidity. In addition, the settlement system operates outside the bank-based payment system. In addition, you gain access to companies and customers who share your values.

Partner company

Companies where you can pay with silver granules by S-Deposito.

    • Alliance CH
    • Andi’s Best
    • Construction way
    • Sculpture Bätscher
    • BNF Finances
    • Carxpert
    • db consultations
    • Dueby AG
    • Easy Home
    • Ehrat wood construction
    • eljah gmbh
    • Encourage
    • Garage Zimmermann AG
    • Gasthaus Thalner Bär
    • Gesundheitsquelle
    • Grace Commercial
    • Grylka Financial Services
    • Hofiplan
    • Hoschtet organic
    • HUWA
    • InfoVita
    • isolations AG
    • Kullmann Services
    • Lauber FST GmbH
    • Läbeshuus Heiligenschwendi
    • Meier VAT and customs consulting
    • morntag GmbH
    • Pierre Parvex – Conseil en Patrimoine et Prévoyance
    • Prétat Coaching Ltd.
    • ProWin Consulting Jose-Schwarz
    • Remax Real Estate
    • reist reisen GmbH
    • Rolli Financial Planning Ltd.
    • Royalson Media
    • SagBar
    • SAS Architecture & Consulting Ltd.
    • Spycher Handicraft AG
    • Strässler Fire & Design GmbH
    • Tomamichel Trust
    • TORECH Consulting-Coaching-Training
    • Vitapower
    • Werthmueller Financial Planning
    • Winkler Household Appliances Technology AG
    • Zulligerhof
    • BBS Finanzplanung AG
  • All
  • Agency
  • Consulting
  • Service
  • Finance
  • Health
  • Craft
  • Real Estate
  • Industry
  • Automotive
  • Agriculture
  • Food
  • Publisher
Partner company BB Wertmetall eljah
health source.png

Your silver – triple sealed

Every silver granule you purchase from BB Wertmetall is safely stored in a Swiss bonded warehouse.

Your silver - triple sealed

A bonded warehouse is a high security warehouse that operates independently of banks

Why is the silver granulate in a bonded warehouse?

A bonded warehouse is a high security warehouse that operates independently of banks. Here, access is regulated more restrictively than anywhere else. In addition, the vault facilities are subject to strict regulations and are monitored around the clock. In the event of a suspicious case, the police would be on the scene in three minutes. As a matter of principle, the “four-eyes principle” prevails: even if one could get into the bonded warehouse, it would take two people, each with different parts of the access code, to open the safe. In addition, all silver is always fully insured.


What special safety measures does BB Wertmetall AG take?

BB Wertmetall AG acquires purest silver granules in sealed bags. These ensure the purity of the raw material and make it possible to sell the silver at any time. Each individual silver bag is audited under the supervision of an independent auditor. After that, the silver bags go into special buckets, which in turn are sealed. Finally, BB Wertmetall places the special buckets in solid wooden boxes protected by a security band. At the end, this also receives a seal. So all in all, our investors’ silver is triple sealed. Finally, a wooden box of silver is so heavy that it would probably take a crane to steal it.

BB Wertmetall AG acquires purest silver granules in sealed bags.

So if you invest in silver granules, you can build wealth

What if I need “liquid” money?

The unique concept of BB Wertmetall AG ensures that the pure silver granules can be sold in line with the market at any time. Thanks to sealing and contractual assurances with silver suppliers, this is guaranteed at all times. Those who invest in silver granules can therefore build up assets – and still remain flexible.


To keep you up to date.

Get regular updates directly from CEO Werner J. Ullmann on what is happening in the world’s markets and how this affects precious metals. With his in-depth analyses of current affairs, the experienced economist is an independent voice in the noisy and monotonous media world. In each newsletter, we also show you how to position your assets securely for the long term.


About BB Wertmetall AG

Our vision for true values

How can people and companies build and sustain true value? We looked for answers to this question in the Bible after the financial crisis of 2008 – and found them. This gave rise to BB Wertmetall in 2009. We specialize in designing precious metal products for individuals and companies because silver and gold have been important values since biblical times.

Since 2015, the precious metals expert Werner J. Ullmann has been managing our business. He has made a name for himself as a board member of publicly traded gold exploration companies and as the author of the best-selling book “Profit with Commodities.”

Network of financial advisors

Our headquarters are located in Lenzburg, Switzerland. However, we work with independent consultants to distribute our products. As a financial intermediary, we are subject to money laundering legislation and are a member of the self-regulatory organization (SRO) PolyReg Allg. Self-Regulatory Association.

For a holistic perspective

We are convinced that the basic investment principles are timeless. For example, the Bible already teaches the golden rule of diversification. And the threefold biblical portfolio theory still proves its worth today: invest one-third in people, family and companies, one-third in land and one-third in liquidity – in the form of silver and gold. BB Wertmetall AG’s solutions provide an answer for this third category.

Our team

Werner J. Ullmann

Werner J. Ullmann

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Antonio Tomamichel

Antonio Tomamichel

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

Claudio Killias

Claudio Killias

Assistant to the management

Peter Rahm

Peter Rahm

Customer Service & Specialist MLA

Matthias Schildknecht

Matthias Schildknecht

Customer Service & Specialist MLA

Rolf Fluri

Rolf Fluri

Customer Service & Specialist MLA


Our independent research partner

Christian Takushi

For macroeconomic fundamental analyses BB Wertmetall AG cooperates with the renowned economist Christian Takushi. He specializes in currencies, emerging markets and geopolitical risk. Takushi has made a name for himself not least as a speaker at institutions such as the IMD business school (International Institute for Management Development), the University of Lausanne, the CFA Institute and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW.


We will gladly inform you

You want to know more about silver and gold? About the biblical portfolio theory? About the challenges of our financial system? Or simply invest money? We are happy to be there for you. Get in touch with us:

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